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Advanced Material Design and Practice A EDUC3029 Unit
Advanced Material Design and Practice B EDUC3030 Unit
Advanced Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2016 Unit
Advanced Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy II EDUC3014 Unit
Arts, Education and Creativity: Practice and Pedagogy EDUC3015 Unit
Casual Teaching TCHR3005 Unit
Children's Literature EDUC3017 Unit
Children, Families and Communities TCHR2002 Unit
Classroom Management EDUC3032 Unit
Co-operative Learning Skills in the Classroom EDUC3001 Unit
Computer Aided Design and Graphics DSGN2006 Unit
Contemporary Educational Contexts EDUC6005 Unit
Contemporary Educational Leadership EDUC6004 Unit
Contemporary Health Issues for Young People EDUC3009 Unit
Creative Arts Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC2011 Unit
Creative Arts for Early Childhood Education TCHR6007 Unit
Creativity and the Arts CRTV1001 Unit
Curriculum Specialisation: English II TCHR3002 Unit
Curriculum Specialisation: Human Society and its Environment II EDUC3019 Unit
Curriculum Specialisation: Mathematics II EDUC3003 Unit
Curriculum Specialisation: Personal Development, Health, Physical Education II (Lifestyle) EDUC3005 Unit
Curriculum Specialisation: Science II EDUC3004 Unit
Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood TCHR2003 Unit
Curriculum, Assessment and Technology EDUC5010 Unit
Design and Technology Principles and Processes DSGN1003 Unit
Design and Technology: Essential Technologies DSGN1002 Unit
Design Management and Communication DSGN1004 Unit
Design Thinking and Communication DSGN1009 Unit
Digital Technologies: Principles and Processes DSGN1010 Unit
Early Childhood Matters TCHR3001 Unit
Education and Care I: Preschoolers TCHR5004 Unit
Education and Care II: Infants and Toddlers TCHR3003 Unit
Education and Change: The Lifelong Learner EDUC1004 Unit
Education and Change: The Lifelong Learner EDUC5001 Unit
Education and ICT: Digital Disruptions EDUC2020 Unit
Education and ICT: Digital Disruptions EDUC5011 Unit
Education and Indigenous Australians: Ways of Knowing and Being EDUC6009 Unit
Education and Philosophy: Playing with Thought EDUC1003 Unit
Education and Practice: Ways of Teaching and Learning EDUC5012 Unit
Education and Practice: Ways of Teaching and Learning EDUC2024 Unit
Education and the Environment: More than Human EDUC3024 Unit
Education for Impact: Into and Beyond the Profession EDUC3025 Unit
Education for Impact: Into and Beyond the Profession EDUC6017 Unit
Education for Inclusion and Diversity: The Responsive Teacher EDUC3023 Unit
Education for Inclusion and Diversity: The Responsive Teacher EDUC5013 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 1 of 3) EDUC4001 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 1) Part A EDUC4004 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 1) Part B EDUC4005 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 2 of 3) EDUC4002 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 2) Part A EDUC4006 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 2) Part B EDUC4007 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 3 of 3) EDUC4003 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 3) Part A EDUC4008 Unit
Education Honours Thesis (Stage 3) Part B EDUC4009 Unit
Educational Investigation EDUC6007 Unit
Educational Leadership and Wellbeing EDUC6008 Unit
English as an Additional Language/Dialect EDUC3018 Unit
English Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2012 Unit
English Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy II EDUC3011 Unit
English: Literature, Language and Literacy ENGL1004 Unit
English: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I TCHR2001 Unit
Enhancing Student Wellbeing WELF6002 Unit
Environmental Education EDUC1005 Unit
Evaluation for Improved Teaching and Learning EDUC6012 Unit
Exploring Mathematics: The Past, Present, and Future TCHR3014 Unit
Food Technology and Society FOOD2001 Unit
Food Technology as an Enterprise FOOD2002 Unit
Foundations of English and Literacy: More than Words ENGL1005 Unit
Foundations: Mathematics and Numeracy MATH1002 Unit
Foundations: Science and Technology SCIN1003 Unit
Graphics Principles and Industry Application DSGN2005 Unit
Health, Wellbeing and the Environment in Early Childhood Education TCHR6006 Unit
History of Design and Technology DSGN2002 Unit
HSIE: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2019 Unit
HSIE: The Universe Next Door CLST1002 Unit
Human Society and its Environments: Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC2013 Unit
Human-centred Design, Innovation and Enterprise in Design and Technology DSGN3003 Unit
Inclusive Education, Theory, Policy and Practice TCHR6003 Unit
Inclusive Teaching EDUC6003 Unit
Independent Study - Education I EDUC3021 Unit
Independent Study - Education II EDUC3022 Unit
Industry and Material Practices A EDUC2022 Unit
Industry and Material Practices B EDUC2023 Unit
Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise in Design and Technology DSGN2004 Unit
Integrated Technology Project DSGN3002 Unit
Interdisciplinary Studies of History and Time EDUC3016 Unit
Interdisciplinary Studies of Language and Literature EDUC3026 Unit
Interdisciplinary Studies: Crossing the Line EDUC1006 Unit
Introduction to Creative Writing WRIT1002 Unit
Introduction to Editing and Publishing WRIT3002 Unit
Issues and Themes in Contemporary Writing WRIT2001 Unit
Leadership and Advocacy in Early Childhood TCHR3004 Unit
Leading Professional Learning EDUC5005 Unit
Learning and Support Frameworks EDUC5004 Unit
Learning Technologies EDUC2005 Unit
Learning through Literacy and Numeracy EDUC5003 Unit
Literacy, Assessment and Information & Communication Technology EDUC2010 Unit
Literature Review in Education: Known Unknowns EDUC6001 Unit
Mathematics Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2014 Unit
Mathematics Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy II EDUC3012 Unit
Mathematics: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2003 Unit
Metal Design and Production DSGN1007 Unit
Metal Industry Practice and Management DSGN2008 Unit
Molecular Genetics BIOL2002 Unit
Music: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC5007 Unit
Music: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy II EDUC6014 Unit
On the Shoulders of Giants: Critically Examining the Literature in Education EDUC7002 Unit
On the Shoulders of Giants: Critically Examining the Literature in Education Part 1 EDUC7016 Unit
On the Shoulders of Giants: Critically Examining the Literature in Education Part 2 EDUC7017 Unit
PDHPE: Mind, Body and Soul HLTH1002 Unit
PDHPE: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2002 Unit
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC2015 Unit
Physical Education Studies I: Athletics and Aquatics EDUC2007 Unit
Physical Education Studies II: Dance and Gymnastics EDUC2008 Unit
Physical Education Studies III: Games and Sports TCHR3012 Unit
Play and Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education TCHR1002 Unit
Play and Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education TCHR5001 Unit
Playing with Theory and Research Methodology in Education EDUC7003 Unit
Playing with Theory and Research Methodology in Education Part 1 EDUC7018 Unit
Playing with Theory and Research Methodology in Education Part 2 EDUC7019 Unit
Positive Behaviour Support EDUC2018 Unit
Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education TCHR5003 Unit
Principles and Practices in Early Childhood Education TCHR1001 Unit
Professional Certificate in Teaching Mathematics (Out of Field Teachers) MATH5001 Unit
Professional Development in Education EDUC3010 Unit
Professional Experience I - Primary TCHR5005 Unit
Professional Experience I - Primary TCHR2004 Unit
Professional Experience I - Secondary TCHR5007 Unit
Professional Experience I - Secondary TCHR2009 Unit
Professional Experience I: Becoming a Teacher TCHR3007 Unit
Professional Experience I: Enhancing Student Learning TCHR5002 Unit
Professional Experience II - Primary TCHR5006 Unit
Professional Experience II - Primary TCHR2005 Unit
Professional Experience II - Secondary TCHR5008 Unit
Professional Experience II - Secondary TCHR2012 Unit
Professional Experience II: Effective Teaching TCHR3008 Unit
Professional Experience II: Evaluation to Improve Teaching Practice TCHR6005 Unit
Professional Experience III - Primary TCHR6009 Unit
Professional Experience III - Primary TCHR2006 Unit
Professional Experience III - Secondary TCHR6010 Unit
Professional Experience III - Secondary TCHR2014 Unit
Professional Experience III: Transition to the Profession TCHR3006 Unit
Professional Experience in Early Childhood Education I: Pre-schoolers TCHR6004 Unit
Professional Experience in Early Childhood Education II: Infants and Toddlers TCHR6001 Unit
Professional Experience IV - Primary TCHR3009 Unit
Professional Experience IV - Secondary TCHR3011 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood I TCHR6008 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood I TCHR2007 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood II TCHR6011 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood II TCHR2011 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood III TCHR2013 Unit
Professional Experience: Early Childhood IV TCHR3010 Unit
Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Young People EDUC3008 Unit
Research in Education: Through the Looking Glass EDUC6006 Unit
Research Project EDUC6002 Unit
Research Ready: Doctor of Education Research Proposal & Ethics EDUC7004 Unit
Research Ready: Doctor of Education Research Proposal & Ethics Part 1 EDUC7020 Unit
Research Ready: Doctor of Education Research Proposal & Ethics Part 2 EDUC7021 Unit
Science and Technology Education: Curriculum and Pedagogy EDUC3013 Unit
Science and Technology: All Things Matter SCIN1006 Unit
Science: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2004 Unit
STEM Leadership in Schools TCHR3013 Unit
Storylines: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking EDUC2021 Unit
Storytelling EDUC2017 Unit
Supporting Learners with Diverse Abilities EDUC2009 Unit
Supporting Students in Difficult Times WELF5002 Unit
Teachers as Researchers I EDUC6018 Unit
Teachers as Researchers II EDUC6019 Unit
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Context EDUC3027 Unit
Teaching and Learning Science and Technology in Context EDUC3028 Unit
Teaching Students from Diverse Backgrounds EDUC3031 Unit
Teaching the Gifted EDUC2001 Unit
Technologies and Design: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy I EDUC2006 Unit
Technology and Collaboration to Support Learning and Participation TCHR6002 Unit
Technology Pedagogy and Curriculum II EDUC3020 Unit
Textile Science and Innovation TEXT2003 Unit
Textiles and Design TEXT2001 Unit
Textiles and Society TEXT2002 Unit
The Learning Environment EDUC5002 Unit
Theories of Text and Culture WRIT3001 Unit
Theory to Practice: Competency and Capability of Preschoolers TCHR5010 Unit
Theory to practice: Competency and Capability of Preschoolers TCHR2008 Unit
Theory to Practice: Education and Care for Infants and Toddlers TCHR2010 Unit
Theory to practice: Education and Care for Infants and Toddlers TCHR5009 Unit
Timber Design and Production DSGN1006 Unit
Timber Industry Practice and Management DSGN2007 Unit
Valuing Diversity EDUC5006 Unit
Visual Arts: Secondary Curriculum and Pedagogy II EDUC6015 Unit
Vocational Skills and Knowledge in Computing OFFC1001 Unit
Vocational Skills and Knowledge in Textiles TEXT1001 Unit
What is Educational Research? EDUC7001 Unit
What is Educational Research? Part 1 EDUC7022 Unit
What is Educational Research? Part 2 EDUC7023 Unit
Writing for Young People WRIT2006 Unit
Writing Genre WRIT2005 Unit
Writing Lives WRIT2003 Unit

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