Browse Faculty

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Abnormal Psychology PSYC2002 Unit
Accountability and Clinical Reasoning REHB3002 Unit
Acute Care Nursing NURS2010 Unit
Acute Mental Health MHNS5003 Unit
Addictions Counselling COUN2003 Unit
Advanced Fieldwork (Podiatry) PODR3001 Unit
Advanced Pharmacology for Podiatrists PHAR2002 Unit
Advanced Practice in Speech Pathology SPCH3008 Unit
Advanced Professional Practice I REHB6001 Unit
Advanced Professional Practice II REHB6002 Unit
Advanced Psychological Data Analysis STAT4002 Unit
Advanced Psychological Investigation PSYC2005 Unit
Advanced Quantitative Methods in Psychology STAT3001 Unit
Advanced Sport and Exercise Psychology PSYC5001 Unit
Advanced Strength and Conditioning HLTH3007 Unit
Advanced Topics in Professional Psychology PSYC4002 Unit
Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Head and Neck HBIO2008 Unit
Applied Biomechanics SCIN3001 Unit
Applied Leadership in Mental Health Clinical Practice MHNS6003 Unit
Applied Psychological Investigation PSYC3002 Unit
Applied Research and Evaluation for the Psychological Scientist-Practitioner STAT4003 Unit
Applied Research and Evaluation Methods for Health Sciences STAT4001 Unit
Applied Skill Acquisition HLTH3006 Unit
Appraising and Applying Research Findings Across Disciplines SPCH2001 Unit
Assessment and Intervention of Communication and Swallowing: Clinical Placements SPCH3001 Unit
Assessment of Adult Speech and Language SPCH2014 Unit
Assessment of Child Speech and Language SPCH2012 Unit
Behaviour Change PSYC2007 Unit
Biochemistry BIOL2007 Unit
Bioinformatics BIOL2005 Unit
Biological Chemistry and Human Metabolism BIOL1004 Unit
Biological Psychology PSYC3004 Unit
Biomechanics of Gait HBIO2004 Unit
Botanical Medicine NATM2001 Unit
Building a Professional Portfolio PBHL5006 Unit
Building Healthy Communities through Impactful Partnerships NURS2018 Unit
Cardiovascular Health REHB5004 Unit
Care of the Unwell Baby MIDW2009 Unit
Caring for the Woman During Complex Labour and Birth MIDW2012 Unit
Caring for the Woman During Complex Pregnancy MIDW2011 Unit
Caring for the Woman with Postnatal Complexities MIDW2013 Unit
Case Conceptualisation COUN1003 Unit
Case Management and Care Planning WELF2005 Unit
Chemistry for Health Sciences CHEM1002 Unit
Child Language and Literacy: Theory and Practice SPCH2005 Unit
Child Speech: Theory and Practice SPCH2003 Unit
Chronic Health and Disability Across the Lifespan NURS5011 Unit
Chronic Illness and Nursing Care NURS2006 Unit
Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning NURS2002 Unit
Clinical Biochemistry BIOL2006 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology Bridging Unit REHB5006 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology for Chronic Conditions REHB5001 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology for Mental and Cardiorespiratory Health HLTH3010 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology for Metabolic and Renal Health HLTH3011 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology for Neurological Conditions REHB5005 Unit
Clinical Exercise Physiology for Oncology and Neurological Health HLTH3013 Unit
Clinical Microbiology MICR2002 Unit
Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1 NATM6007 Unit
Clinical Naturopathic Placement 2 NATM6008 Unit
Clinical Naturopathic Placement 3 NATM6009 Unit
Clinical Neuroscience and Pain Studies OSTP2009 Unit
Clinical Nursing I NURS5014 Unit
Clinical Nursing II NURS6001 Unit
Clinical Nursing III NURS6003 Unit
Clinical Reasoning and Assessment Skills NURS5005 Unit
Clinical Reasoning in Osteopathic Medicine OSTP3003 Unit
Clinical Reasoning in Professional Experience Learning OCCU2012 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Assessment, Microbiology and Immunity NATM2002 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 2: Integumentary and Gastrointestinal systems NATM3001 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Musculoskeletal and Nervous systems NATM3002 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 4: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems NATM3003 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 5: Urogenital and Endocrine systems NATM3004 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 6: Cancer and Haematological System NATM5008 Unit
Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 7: Multi-morbidity and Complex Cases NATM5009 Unit
Clinics in Multimodal Intervention: Internal REHB2002 Unit
Cognition and the Healthy Brain NATM6006 Unit
Communication Development Across the Lifespan SPCH2011 Unit
Community Development WELF1002 Unit
Community Partnerships NURS5015 Unit
Complex Challenges in Nursing Care NURS3003 Unit
Contemporary Health Leadership PBHL5010 Unit
Contemporary Mental Health MHNS5001 Unit
Counselling Children and Young People COUN2004 Unit
Counselling Families and Couples COUN2006 Unit
Counselling Placement and Supervision 1 COUN3001 Unit
Counselling Placement and Supervision 2 COUN3002 Unit
Counselling Skills 1 COUN1001 Unit
Counselling Skills 2 COUN2001 Unit
Counselling Skills 3 COUN2005 Unit
Counselling Theory and Practice WELF1003 Unit
Creating Person Centred Organisational Change PBHL5003 Unit
Critical and Creative Reasoning for Speech Pathology Practice SPCH3003 Unit
Critical Perspectives in Naturopathic Philosophy NATM6002 Unit
Critical Reflection in Speech Pathology SPCH3009 Unit
Critical Review in Health PBHL6005 Unit
Cross Cultural and Indigenous Issues in Psychology PSYC3005 Unit
Culture, Communication and Professional Practice PSYC5002 Unit
Data Analysis STAT4004 Unit
Developing Skills in Contemporary Psychotherapies MHNS6001 Unit
Diabetes Management in Health Systems and Settings PBHL6001 Unit
Diabetes Self-management Education Theory and Practice PBHL5004 Unit
Diagnostic Intake Clinic: Advanced and Interdisciplinary Practice (Internal) REHB3001 Unit
Dirt to Dinner: The Principles of Organics FOOD5001 Unit
Disability and Community Practice WELF3003 Unit
Discovery and Enquiry in Health: The Critical Literature Review NURS5001 Unit
Education, Leisure and Play Occupations OCCU2009 Unit
Effective Teaching and Supervision in Health Care PBHL5015 Unit
Envisioning Health Systems, Policies and Practices PBHL5018 Unit
Epidemiology PBHL2001 Unit
Essentials of Nursing and Care NURS1002 Unit
Ethical Issues in Practice COUN1002 Unit
Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Programs OCCU3002 Unit
Evidence Translation and Implementation in Health Care NATM5007 Unit
Evidence Translation and Implementation in Health Care HLTH5010 Unit
Evidence-Based Mental Health Nursing NURS5013 Unit
Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing NURS3006 Unit
Exercise and Sport Assessment HLTH2003 Unit
Exercise and Sport Psychology PSYC2003 Unit
Exercise for Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation and Musculoskeletal Health HLTH3012 Unit
Exercise Physiology HLTH2002 Unit
Exercise Physiology and Prescription HLTH3002 Unit
Exercise Physiology for Specific Populations HLTH5002 Unit
Exercise Prescription and Delivery HLTH2004 Unit
External Work Integrated Learning in Podiatry I PODR3004 Unit
External Work Integrated Learning in Podiatry II PODR3005 Unit
Farm Gate to Plate: Producing Food for Health FOOD5002 Unit
Field Education I WELF2001 Unit
Field Education II WELF3001 Unit
Fluency: Theory and Practice SPCH2009 Unit
Food and Nutrition in Health NUTR1001 Unit
Food as Medicine FOOD5004 Unit
Foot and Ankle Surgery PODR2009 Unit
Foundations of Clinical Practice HLTH1007 Unit
Foundations of Evidence for Health Science Practitioners STAT2001 Unit
Foundations of Health and Health Care Systems PBHL1003 Unit
Foundations of Interprofessional Health Practice HLTH1006 Unit
Foundations of Midwifery MIDW1003 Unit
Foundations of Speech Pathology Practice SPCH1003 Unit
Foundations to Nursing NURS1001 Unit
Functional Anatomy of the Lower Limbs and Foot and Ankle HBIO2007 Unit
Functional Kinesiology of the Upper Limbs and Trunk HBIO2003 Unit
Fundamentals of Career Success in Psychology PSYC1005 Unit
Fundamentals of Clinical Hypnosis CMPL5001 Unit
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice NURS1005 Unit
Genetic Pathology BIOL2010 Unit
Governance and Accountability in Health Care PBHL5017 Unit
Group Therapy: Theory and Practice COUN2002 Unit
Growth and Development HBIO1006 Unit
Haematology BIOL2004 Unit
Haematology II BIOL2009 Unit
Health and Human Sciences Thesis (Stage II of II) HLTH4003 Unit
Health and Human Sciences Thesis Project I HLTH4002 Unit
Health Assessment NURS2004 Unit
Health Assessment Across the Lifespan NURS5012 Unit
Health Maintenance and Restorative Nursing Care NURS2009 Unit
Health Promotion PBHL2002 Unit
Health Promotion and Primary Health Care PBHL3004 Unit
Health Promotion and Wellness PBHL1002 Unit
Health Promotion Project PBHL3001 Unit
Health Research Project A HLTH6007 Unit
Health Research Project A NATM6003 Unit
Health Research Project B HLTH6008 Unit
Health Research Project B NATM6004 Unit
Health Systems, Policies and Practices MGMT5001 Unit
High Acuity Midwifery MIDW3002 Unit
Histology and Embryology HBIO2006 Unit
Histopathology HBIO2009 Unit
Home and Community Occupations OCCU2006 Unit
Honours Thesis: Professional Skills Seminar HLTH4004 Unit
Human Anatomy HBIO1001 Unit
Human Microbiome and Health HLTH6001 Unit
Human Pathophysiology HBIO2005 Unit
Human Physiology I HBIO1007 Unit
Human Physiology II HBIO1008 Unit
Human Response to Health Breakdown NURS2008 Unit
Immunology MEDC2001 Unit
Independent Study - Health Science HLTH3001 Unit
Integrated Anatomy and Physiology HBIO1010 Unit
Integrated Clinical Exercise Physiology Capstone HLTH3016 Unit
Integrative Gastroenterology NATM5003 Unit
Integrative Mental Health NATM6005 Unit
Integrative Reproductive Health NATM5004 Unit
Integrative Women's Health NATM5006 Unit
Intermediate Anatomy and Physiology HBIO1005 Unit
Internal Clinical Placement PODR2003 Unit
International Exchange I EXCH0051 Unit
International Exchange I EXCH0075 Unit
International Exchange II EXCH0052 Unit
International Exchange II EXCH0076 Unit
International Exchange III EXCH0077 Unit
International Exchange III EXCH0053 Unit
International Exchange IV EXCH0054 Unit
International Exchange IV EXCH0078 Unit
International Exchange V EXCH0055 Unit
International Exchange V EXCH0079 Unit
International Exchange VI EXCH0080 Unit
International Exchange VI EXCH0056 Unit
International Exchange VII EXCH0081 Unit
International Exchange VII EXCH0057 Unit
International Exchange VIII EXCH0082 Unit
International Exchange VIII EXCH0058 Unit
Interprofessional Health Practice HLTH3005 Unit
Intervention for Adult Speech and Language SPCH3004 Unit
Intervention for Child Speech and Language SPCH2013 Unit
Introducing Health Psychology PSYC1009 Unit
Introduction to Clinical Exercise Physiology Practice HLTH2005 Unit
Introduction to Clinical Practice NURS5010 Unit
Introduction to Nursing Research NURS2016 Unit
Introduction to Occupational Therapy and Human Occupations OCCU1001 Unit
Introduction to Podiatry and Pedorthics PODR1001 Unit
Introduction to Psychological Investigation PSYC1004 Unit
Introduction to Social Welfare WELF1001 Unit
Introduction to the Speech Pathology Profession SPCH1001 Unit
Introductory Anatomy and Physiology HBIO1009 Unit
Introductory Biomechanics SCIN2002 Unit
Introductory Pharmacology PHAR2001 Unit
Introductory Physics and Maths for Health Sciences PHYS1002 Unit
Issues of Protection WELF3002 Unit
Language in Adults: Theory and Practice SPCH2008 Unit
Leading Change in Health Care PBHL5016 Unit
Leading Change in Healthcare HLTH5001 Unit
Leading Evidence-based Practice in Health PBHL6004 Unit
Learning and Applying Knowledge for Individuals and Groups OCCU2003 Unit
Learning and Memory PSYC3003 Unit
Lifespan Development and Occupational Transitions OCCU2005 Unit
Lifespan Psychology PSYC2004 Unit
Literature Review HLTH4001 Unit
Lower Limb Assessment I PODR2002 Unit
Lower Limb Assessment II PODR2010 Unit
Lower Limb Medicine I PODR2001 Unit
Lower Limb Medicine II PODR2004 Unit
Management and Treatment of the High Risk Foot PODR2008 Unit
Management for Sport and Exercise BUSN1001 Unit
Management of Chronic and Complex Health Conditions NURS5006 Unit
Managing Diabetes as a Chronic Condition PBHL5001 Unit
Massage and Mind-body Medicine NATM2003 Unit
Maternal and Womens Health MIDW3009 Unit
Mental Function (Cognition) Assessments and Interventions OCCU2008 Unit
Mental Health WELF3004 Unit
Mental Health Across the Lifespan MHNS5002 Unit
Mental Health and Wellbeing MIDW3001 Unit
Mental Health in Community, Non-Government and Primary Health Settings MHNS6002 Unit
Mental Health Nursing NURS2005 Unit
Metabolic Health REHB5002 Unit
Metabolic Health and Management HLTH6002 Unit
Microbiology MICR2001 Unit
Midwifery Continuity Partnerships A MIDW2001 Unit
Midwifery Continuity Partnerships B MIDW2004 Unit
Midwifery Continuity Partnerships C MIDW2005 Unit
Midwifery Continuity Partnerships D MIDW2007 Unit
Midwifery Foundations MIDW1001 Unit
Midwifery Internship MIDW3004 Unit
Midwifery Practice in Complex Childbearing MIDW2008 Unit
Midwifery Practice: Mentorship A MIDW3006 Unit
Midwifery Practice: Mentorship B MIDW3010 Unit
Midwifery Professional Experience 1 MIDW1006 Unit
Midwifery Professional Experience 2a MIDW2010 Unit
Midwifery Professional Experience 2b MIDW2015 Unit
Midwifery Professional Experience 3a MIDW3007 Unit
Midwifery Professional Experience 3b MIDW3008 Unit
Mobility and Personal Care Occupations OCCU2001 Unit
Motor Control HBIO2002 Unit
Motor Learning HLTH2001 Unit
Musculoskeletal and Reduced Energy Assessments and Interventions OCCU2004 Unit
Musculoskeletal Functional Anatomy HBIO2001 Unit
Musculoskeletal Health REHB5003 Unit
Narratives of Health and Illness NURS1004 Unit
Neurogenic Speech Disorders in Adults and Children SPCH2007 Unit
Neurology for Speech Pathology SPCH2002 Unit
Neuroscience BIOL2003 Unit
Nursing and Lifespan Health NURS2003 Unit
Nursing in the Australian Context NURS5002 Unit
Nursing Management of Acute Health Breakdown NURS2011 Unit
Nursing Practices NURS2001 Unit
Nursing Practices 1 NURS2017 Unit
Nursing Practices 2 NURS3007 Unit
Nursing Practices 3 NURS3009 Unit
Nursing Practices III NURS3010 Unit
Nursing Research NURS5016 Unit
Nutritional Medicine NUTR2001 Unit
Occupational Therapy Theory and Practice OCCU3001 Unit
Occupational Therapy Theory and Practice OCCU2013 Unit
Optimising Health in Childbearing I MIDW2002 Unit
Optimising Health in Childbearing II MIDW2003 Unit
Optimising Health in Complex Childbearing MIDW2006 Unit
Organic Chemistry CHEM2002 Unit
Organic Food Systems FOOD5003 Unit
Orthoses and Bracing PODR2005 Unit
Osteopathic Assessment and Diagnosis OSTP2010 Unit
Osteopathic Clinical Practice and Research I OSTP6001 Unit
Osteopathic Clinical Practice and Research II OSTP6002 Unit
Osteopathic Clinical Practice and Research III OSTP6005 Unit
Osteopathic Clinical Practice and Research IV OSTP6004 Unit
Osteopathic Diagnosis I OSTP2003 Unit
Osteopathic Diagnosis II OSTP2008 Unit
Osteopathic Manual Therapy 4 OSTP3002 Unit
Osteopathic Manual Therapy 5 OSTP3005 Unit
Osteopathic Medicine I OSTP5001 Unit
Osteopathic Medicine II OSTP5002 Unit
Osteopathic Medicine III OSTP6010 Unit
Osteopathic Practice in Musculoskeletal and Occupational Rehabilitation OSTP3004 Unit
Osteopathic Science I OSTP2001 Unit
Osteopathic Science II OSTP2002 Unit
Osteopathic Studies I OSTP1001 Unit
Osteopathic Studies II OSTP2004 Unit
Osteopathic Studies III OSTP2005 Unit
Osteopathic Studies IV OSTP2006 Unit
Osteopathic Studies V OSTP2007 Unit
Osteopathic Studies VI OSTP3001 Unit
Osteopathic Studies VII OSTP6007 Unit
Osteopathic Studies VIII OSTP6008 Unit
Paediatric Health: Conception to Adolescence NURS3008 Unit
Paediatric Management in Osteopathic Practice OSTP5004 Unit
Partnering with Older People in Healthcare NURS2015 Unit
Pathophysiology and Diabetes in a Global Context HBIO5001 Unit
Pathophysiology for Clinical Exercise Physiology HLTH3009 Unit
Pedorthics Clinical Placement I PODR2011 Unit
Pedorthics Clinical Placement III PODR3002 Unit
Perinatal Mental Health MIDW2014 Unit
Personal Care Occupations OCCU1002 Unit
Phonetics and Linguistics for Speech Pathology SPCH1002 Unit
Physical Activity for Health HLTH1008 Unit
Physical Health Care in Mental Health MHNS6004 Unit
Physical Sciences in Health SCIN2003 Unit
Pitch and Propose HLTH5004 Unit
Planning and Delivering Human Services WELF3005 Unit
Positive Approaches to Chronic Health and Disability NURS2014 Unit
Positive Psychology PSYC1010 Unit
Practice-Based Health Research HLTH5009 Unit
Practice-Based Health Research NATM5001 Unit
Preconception to Early Parenthood MIDW1004 Unit
Primary Health Care and Nursing Practices NURS2007 Unit
Primary Health Care Midwifery MIDW1002 Unit
Primary Health Care Practices and Philosophy NURS5004 Unit
Principles & Practice of Lifestyle Medicine 2: Clinical Processes HLTH5007 Unit
Principles & Practice of Lifestyle Medicine 3: Planning and Management HLTH6003 Unit
Principles & Practice of Lifestyle Medicine I: Foundations HLTH5006 Unit
Principles and Practice of Clinical Accountability HLTH5005 Unit
Principles and Practice of Integrative Health Care: Application HLTH6006 Unit
Principles and Practice of Integrative Health Care: Foundations HLTH5008 Unit
Principles and Practice of Pedorthics I PODR2006 Unit
Principles and Practice of Pedorthics II PODR2007 Unit
Principles of Behaviour in Physical Activity PSYC1006 Unit
Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 1 and 2: Foundations and Conduct NATM5010 Unit
Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 1: Foundations NATM2004 Unit
Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 2: Ethics and Law NATM2005 Unit
Professional Contexts in Naturopathic Medicine 3: Transition to Practice NATM5011 Unit
Professional Experience in the Biomedical Setting BIOL3002 Unit
Professional Experience in the Biomedical Setting BIOL3001 Unit
Professional Practice NURS2012 Unit
Professional Practices NURS5003 Unit
Professional Preparation SPRT3001 Unit
Professional Psychology Practicum PSYC6007 Unit
Professional Psychology Practicum I PSYC6005 Unit
Professional Psychology Practicum II PSYC6006 Unit
Promoting Nursing Leadership NURS6002 Unit
Promoting Wellness in Chronic Health and Disability NURS2013 Unit
Psychological & Environmental Influences on Health HLTH6004 Unit
Psychological Assessment PSYC2001 Unit
Psychological Assessment and Intervention Across Settings: Practice, Research and Evaluation PSYC4005 Unit
Psychological Assessment and Psychopathology: Adults PSYC6001 Unit
Psychological Assessment and Psychopathology: Children and Adolescents PSYC6002 Unit
Psychological Interventions: Adults PSYC6003 Unit
Psychological Interventions: Children and Adolescents PSYC6004 Unit
Psychology and Sociology for Health Sciences PSYC1003 Unit
Psychology Foundations: Self and Situation PSYC1002 Unit
Psychology Foundations: Brain and Cognition PSYC1001 Unit
Psychology Honours Thesis I PSYC4003 Unit
Psychology Honours Thesis II PSYC4004 Unit
Psychology Seminars PSYC4001 Unit
Psychosocial Assessments and Interventions OCCU2011 Unit
Quantitative Methods in Psychology STAT2002 Unit
Regional Rural Remote Fieldwork OCCU2007 Unit
Research Communication HLTH4006 Unit
Research Design HLTH4005 Unit
Research for Social Work SWRK6003 Unit
Research Methods for Psychology Practitioners PSYC5003 Unit
Research Proposal for Health Innovation PBHL6006 Unit
Self-management and Chronic Disease HLTH6005 Unit
Sensory Motor Assessments and Interventions OCCU2002 Unit
Simulated and Actual Internal Clinics: Mixed Caseload REHB2001 Unit
Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Allied Health, Fitness and Sport HLTH1003 Unit
Social and Emotional Competence in the Workplace PBHL5008 Unit
Social Policy and Law for Social Work SWRK5003 Unit
Social Psychology PSYC3001 Unit
Social Work across the Lifespan SWRK6001 Unit
Social Work Direct Practice I SWRK5002 Unit
Social Work Direct Practice II SWRK5004 Unit
Social Work Field Placement I SWRK5007 Unit
Social Work Field Placement Ia SWRK5005 Unit
Social Work Field Placement Ib SWRK5006 Unit
Social Work Field Placement II SWRK6007 Unit
Social Work Field Placement IIa SWRK6005 Unit
Social Work Field Placement IIb SWRK6006 Unit
Social Work Foundations for Practice SWRK5001 Unit
Social Work Honours Placement II SWRK4006 Unit
Social Work Honours Thesis I SWRK4003 Unit
Social Work Honours Thesis II SWRK4004 Unit
Social Work Honours Thesis III SWRK4007 Unit
Social Work Honours Thesis III SWRK4005 Unit
Social Work in Groups and Communities SWRK6002 Unit
Social Work Organisations, Leadership and Management SWRK6004 Unit
Social Work Placement I SWRK2005 Unit
Social Work Placement II SWRK3010 Unit
Social Work Practice I - Building Relationships SWRK2001 Unit
Social Work Practice II - Teams and Groups SWRK2002 Unit
Social Work Practice III - Mental Health SWRK3001 Unit
Social Work Practice IV - Organisational Practice SWRK3002 Unit
Social Work Practice V - Policy and Community Activism SWRK3003 Unit
Social Work Practice VI - Advanced Practice Methods SWRK3004 Unit
Social Work Practice VII - Social Work in Legal Contexts SWRK3005 Unit
Soil Management AGRC2004 Unit
Speech Pathology Practice 1 SPCH3005 Unit
Speech Pathology Practice 2 SPCH3006 Unit
Speech, Voice and Hearing Sciences SPCH2004 Unit
Sport and Exercise Nutrition NUTR3001 Unit
Sports Conditioning and Training Methods SPRT2001 Unit
Strategic Health Management MGMT5004 Unit
Strategic Planning and Management in Health Care PBHL5014 Unit
Supported Decision Making for Choice and Control PBHL5005 Unit
Supporting Behaviour Change in Mental Health Contexts MHNS5004 Unit
Swallowing Across the Lifespan SPCH2010 Unit
Systemic Anatomy HBIO1003 Unit
Teaching and Supervision in a Clinical Setting HLTH5003 Unit
The Australian Health Care System PBHL1001 Unit
The Discipline of Nursing NURS1003 Unit
The Emerging Practitioner NURS3004 Unit
The Health Narrative Across the Lifespan NURS5009 Unit
The Nurse as a Leader NURS3001 Unit
The Reflective Learner and Health Science Scholar HLTH1004 Unit
The Role of the Midwife as Leader, Mentor and Educator MIDW3005 Unit
Training for Performance HLTH3008 Unit
Transformative Clinical Practices NURS5008 Unit
Transformative Nursing Practices NURS3005 Unit
Transfusion Science MEDC2002 Unit
Transition to Practice HLTH3004 Unit
Transition to Professional Practice HLTH3003 Unit
Transition to Registered Midwife MIDW3003 Unit
Translating Research into Practice OSTP6009 Unit
Trauma Informed Practice WELF2003 Unit
Understanding Wellbeing and Mental Health HLTH1005 Unit
Utilising Research to Promote Quality in Health Care NURS3002 Unit
Well Woman - Pregnancy, Labour and Birth, Postnatal MIDW1005 Unit
Work and Employment Occupations OCCU2010 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Clinical Exercise Physiology I HLTH3014 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Clinical Exercise Physiology II HLTH3015 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Occupational Therapy I OCCU2014 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Occupational Therapy II OCCU2015 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Occupational Therapy III OCCU3003 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Osteopathic Medicine 1 OSTP5003 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Osteopathic Medicine 2 OSTP5005 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Osteopathic Medicine 3 OSTP6011 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Pedorthics II PODR2012 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Podiatry II PODR2013 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Podiatry III PODR2014 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Podiatry IV PODR3003 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Speech Pathology 1 SPCH1004 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Speech Pathology 2 SPCH2015 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Speech Pathology 3 SPCH2016 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Speech Pathology 4 SPCH3007 Unit
Work Integrated Learning in Speech Pathology 5 SPCH3010 Unit
Work-integrated Health Placement NATM3005 Unit
Working in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Contexts and in Rural and Remote Settings SPCH2006 Unit
Youth Work WELF2002 Unit

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